If you wish to return your order for any reason, we understand that the process can be confusing. That is why we have made the process as straightforward as possible for you. Firstly, we advise that you contact the seller to obtain more information about their return policy. Once you have the necessary details, you can proceed with returning the item(s) to the seller.
After the return has been received, the seller is responsible for registering the return on the invoice. Once NOTYD receives notification from the seller that the return has been registered, we will refund your payment, if you have already paid, accordingly. The refund will be credited to the same bank account that was used for your payment to NOTYD.
If the payment has not yet been made, we will either withdraw the payment request if the order is fully returned, or we will adjust the invoice if the order is only partially returned. Our goal is to make the return process as smooth and hassle-free as possible for you.